Tuesday, January 24, 2012

college vs career

I graduated high school a full semester earlier. Mostly because I was completely over the idea of school and because I was eager to make money. The fact that I was spending 6 hours a day in a place where I was everything EXCEPT productive really aggravated me. I did well in school, but only well enough to get the hell out of there. I had no plans, just three jobs and no bills. Since I had no plan for myself I was willing to tag along with my boyfriend to upstate new york to major in liberal arts (aka taking a bunch of random classes) and spend a semester doing nothing. You'll be happy to know I passed all of my classes but im my opinion I had nothing to show for it except a big case of homesickness and no job.

Once I was home I accepted a "floater" position for 13 different dealerships. Not the ideal job for me, but making that much money while still living my parents was golden. This job put me perfectly in place to experience and observe every different job from dealership to dealership. I fell deeply in love with Honda. The people who worked there, the customers, and the cars themselves. I learned very quickly of this passion and decided I wanted to take on a different position. The process of changing jobs (even within the same company) proved to be very hard, but after about 6 months I made the move to a service receptionsist. And I know exactly what you're thinking.. Who wants to sit behind a desk and transfer calls all day? And I agree, NOT ME. But this job was more. Making appointments, answering questions for customers, quoting repairs.. it was all the stuff I needed to meet my first goal of becoming a service advisor.

I am still working towards a service writing position, but I've been trained for that position and should be moving up within the next few weeks. I live with my boyfriend who works for the parts department. We have a house, I drive a 2011 accord he drives a 2012 Dodge Ram, we have two doggies, and we live pretty comfortably. And might I mention he never graduated high school, he has his GED.

So tell me, why do so many parents feel like they need to push their children through college. Don't get me wrong I know tons of people in school who love it and want to go for ten years but I also know a lot of people who given the chance would drop out and start working. So if you don't want to go to school, and you could find a job that you love.. why spend the money (or build up tons of school loans), and put ourself through that misery. I guess parents don't want their children to fail, but I am very thankful that my Dad had enough faith in me to let me make my own decisions. (It also probably helped that he never went to college yet he is the service director for 9 different stores)

Either way my point is, let your children make their own decisions. It's their future, let them make their own mistakes. Trust me when I say they will appreciate it much more

Monday, January 23, 2012


This morning on my way to work I was listening to G105's Bob and The Showgram (it's become a neccesity). But they were discussing whether Joe Paterno in your opinion was going to heaven or hell, and they were also speaking to Margie Phelps from Westboro Baptist Church. If that name or church doesn't ring a bell, it's the church who pickets military peoples funerals and so on.
Starting the with the orignal question ( heaven or hell? ) in my opinion I don't know. I don't know if he could have done anymore, I don't know if he was actually a part of the assaults, and most of all I don't know what he did behind closed doors. Most of all i'm not sure if he asked for forgiveness before he passed away. I don't have enough evidence to support an opinion either way.

Before I continue I should probably state for the record that the past few years i've been back and forth on what I actually believe about religion. I grew up going to church willingly (not sure if thats because I actually liked it or if it's because it was another escape from my home life) but I went every Sunday and every Wednesday for the most part. For a week during the summer I went to church camp and loved every minute of the praying and worshiping. As I got older i'm not sure if I lost my faith because of everything that happened in my life but whatever happened I questioned my faith and I questioned religion. Instead of trying to explore and figure out what I actually believed I just pushed it to the side because, well, I'm not actually sure why. Maybe it was laziness, or maybe it was a fear of finding out that something I was raised to believe was a lie. But either way I am still in the middle of this debacle.

Even if I can't tell you which religion I believe in or "belong" to, I do know the difference between right and wrong. I can most certainly tell you that what Westboro Baptist Church is doing is wrong. I don't understand where they get their theory from but they have planned to pickett outside of Joe Paterno's funeral. Now please tell me what good this is going to do? It isn't going to change anything that he may have done while he was here with us on earth, and it isn't going to change anyones feelings about him. What kind of satisfaction are these people getting from this? As much judgement, and ridicule as this guy has gotten don't we owe his family and friends enough respect to say goodbye peacefully?

I won't go in to details about how I feel about the Westboro Baptist Church or Margie Phelps because that deserves it's own blog entry. But I think Joe Paterno deserves peace, just like everyone else.

Here is the link if you'd like to listen to Margie Phelps on the showgram, or if you'd like to hear the heaven or hell opinions.


What do you think?

at what cost is divorce okay?

After reading an article on MSN I am pretty disgusted by some of these women. Growing up a child of divorce I swore I would never put myself or my children through something like that. It amazes me that someone could be so selfish, to marry the wrong guy. Don't these people have any morals?

When I saw my parents go through a divorce, it convinced me that marriage was something very important that shouldn't be taken lightly. I understood that when my time came I needed to know 100% that he was the person for me. A wedding shouldn't be a lot of pressure because of the people that are attending, or because the flowers might wilt. You should be under pressure because you are making the decesion to live with this person your entire life. Your wedding day should be the biggest day of your life because you are making a life long commitment, that is entended until death do you part.

I don't think divorce should be as easy as they make it. You know, they just passed a bill saying that in order to get an abortion you must go through some counseling, you must have a ultrasound and hear the heartbeat and you must wait 24 hours before the doctor can perform it. I think they should inforce something like that in order to get divorced. Divorce not only hurts the couple, it hurts everyone around them.

Deep down I truly believe my Mother was never in love with my Father. She may have loved him, but she wasn't in love. I know what it feels like to be in love and I know I never want it to end. I never want to go without that feeling ever again, and I will never do anything that could keep me away from the person I am in love with. That's a big mistake to make.

Someone just the other day was telling me about their wedding, and she said "I know it's just a piece of paper" What? I couldn't believe that I heard someone say that.

Bottom line is, society plays up marriage big time. In reality it's way more than a piece of paper, marriage should be a blessing, something you are excited about, something that you are completely commited to, and something that will last a lifetime.

What do you think the main cause of divorce is, and at what cost?