Monday, January 23, 2012


This morning on my way to work I was listening to G105's Bob and The Showgram (it's become a neccesity). But they were discussing whether Joe Paterno in your opinion was going to heaven or hell, and they were also speaking to Margie Phelps from Westboro Baptist Church. If that name or church doesn't ring a bell, it's the church who pickets military peoples funerals and so on.
Starting the with the orignal question ( heaven or hell? ) in my opinion I don't know. I don't know if he could have done anymore, I don't know if he was actually a part of the assaults, and most of all I don't know what he did behind closed doors. Most of all i'm not sure if he asked for forgiveness before he passed away. I don't have enough evidence to support an opinion either way.

Before I continue I should probably state for the record that the past few years i've been back and forth on what I actually believe about religion. I grew up going to church willingly (not sure if thats because I actually liked it or if it's because it was another escape from my home life) but I went every Sunday and every Wednesday for the most part. For a week during the summer I went to church camp and loved every minute of the praying and worshiping. As I got older i'm not sure if I lost my faith because of everything that happened in my life but whatever happened I questioned my faith and I questioned religion. Instead of trying to explore and figure out what I actually believed I just pushed it to the side because, well, I'm not actually sure why. Maybe it was laziness, or maybe it was a fear of finding out that something I was raised to believe was a lie. But either way I am still in the middle of this debacle.

Even if I can't tell you which religion I believe in or "belong" to, I do know the difference between right and wrong. I can most certainly tell you that what Westboro Baptist Church is doing is wrong. I don't understand where they get their theory from but they have planned to pickett outside of Joe Paterno's funeral. Now please tell me what good this is going to do? It isn't going to change anything that he may have done while he was here with us on earth, and it isn't going to change anyones feelings about him. What kind of satisfaction are these people getting from this? As much judgement, and ridicule as this guy has gotten don't we owe his family and friends enough respect to say goodbye peacefully?

I won't go in to details about how I feel about the Westboro Baptist Church or Margie Phelps because that deserves it's own blog entry. But I think Joe Paterno deserves peace, just like everyone else.

Here is the link if you'd like to listen to Margie Phelps on the showgram, or if you'd like to hear the heaven or hell opinions.

What do you think?

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